Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I think that my group isn't very bad but not very good either.All we lack is teamwork,and I think we can improve that.

personal response 5:earthquakes

The causes of earthquakes is caused by seismic waves.They could prepare a emergency kit and hide at a bomb shelter.Yes using a kind of laser beam.In china and Manya earthquakes occurs.Because those country is big so there will be earthquakes.No,as Singapore is small.

reflection5:my mother

I think mother's day is a great day to thank our mother for taking care of us.At mother's day I gave my mother a card.My relationship with my mother is quite good as we sometimes argue!My mother has help me a lot in these years she has helped me in some of my schoolwork.Don't talk back or argue with my mother maybe?Yes,if mother's wasn't there,there won't be any children.I will her a meal as she will be very happy

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

personal response 4 child-safety-belt.

No I don't take the school bus.I think the children in the school bus is very noisy.Yes I agree with ms karen as seat belts are important.No I don't agree with him as it is dangerous without seat belts.Make sure everyone is sitting down.

reflection 4:canteen food

I always go to the canteen as that is the only place I can buy food in the school.The noodle stall,stall4 as the noodles there is very nice.The food there is not quite healthy but the drinks is very healthy.The food and drinks are very clean as I don't see any dirty spots.Some of the healthy food and drinks are Oheya,fish ball noodles and green tea.Nothing.Add more clean and new chairs.